Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure – Evil Queen

Posted October 24, 2010 by elizatilton in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

There are very few RPG’S out there that consist of: beauty pageants, puppets, a maiden saving her prince, a cougar villain, and the pancake attack.  There’s something very corny and addictive about games like these.  We all want a prince and there’s always some stuck up pretty girl getting in our way.

Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure was NOT a PSone hit,  but I thought it was the perfect RPG.  Sometimes a girl doesn’t want to see someone’s head being chopped off, and sometimes I want my toons to break out into musical numbers.

Unfortunately, I have yet to finish the game.  This isn’t because I didn’t like the exploding candy attacks, or the evil cat minions.  I put the game down and now can’t figure out where I am…a pain many of us have felt.  Every now and then I start from the beginning because I love watching the beauty pageant, and scrummaging around the village for my dress.  I also love the cut scenes..I just can’t get enough.

The game was brought out for the DS.  Now’s your chance to play something laid back and laugh your butt off.  In honor of the game I’ve posted the evil queen’s solo…enjoy!

Rhapsody, A Musical Adventure

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